I turned 34 years old the day Iraq invaded Kuwait. By the time the war ended 28 Feb 1991 I felt 10 years older and a lot wiser.
When I stepped off the plane at Altus AFB, 7 Apr 1991 I felt 15 years younger, 10 feet tall and bulletproof. War
will change you.
Into the storm 24 Feb 1991 0300 hrs. Saudi Arabia.
My job during Desert Storm was Battalion FDC section chief and ACCO. Being a section chief can be very taxing
at times. The main thing to keeping your people alive. Make sure they get some sleep(a tired soldier isn't effective). Make
sure they EAT(sometimes there isn't much time for that, but make time). Most of all, keep your vehicles in top shape with
a lot of PM. Our section and unit lost NO vehicles during Desert Storm due to maintanace or enemy fire. We also lost NO personnal.
An ACCO's job is tough 8 to 14 hour a day sitting behind the SPA typing and recieving data from FSO's, FO's, firing
batteries and higher HQ's. Doesn't sound to hard does it. Well when you can have up to 8 different people talk to you at once,(6
by digital 2 by voice) it can be.